The Yearbook of Philosophical and Social Civitas Hominibus nr 7 (2012) is devoted to the topic "Current status and prospects of the development of modern civilization."
Articles- Discussions- Essays
- Marek J. Malinowski, Present condition and perspectives of development of contemporary civilization (Different options and alternatives. Personal reflections)
- Jakub Z. Lichański, Przepraszam, czy to koniec czyli stan obecny i perspektywy rozwoju współczesnej cywilizacji
- Stanisław Parzymies, Czy możliwa jest europejska federacją państw narodowych ?
- Andrzej Wojtczak, Cywilizacja ery długowieczności: jej zagrożenia i potrzeby
- Małgorzata Bielecka, Nowoczesna koncepcja demokracji w Europie
- Radosław Kamiński, Centralizacja i decentralizacja w systemie administracji państwowej jako problem organizacyjny i prawny
- Anna Liisa Westman, Some Roots of Finnish Welfare Society
- Bogdan Ekstowicz, Polityczne aspekty członkowstaw Polski w Unii Europejskiej a suwerenność Rzeczypospolitej
- Alexandra Shcherbina, Territory of the Sustainable Development and Mythology of Space as Factor of the Sustainable Development
- Elena Shlienkova, Experiment- Cities or Unrealized Horizons
- Repina Evgeniya, Sergey Malahov, Deconstruction of Binary Opposition as a Base of Hypothesis of Urban Survival. Project of Samara Strategy and Project of Reconstruction of a Block in the Historical Part
- Renata Maga – Jagielnicka, Publiczne przestrzenie miast odpowiedzią na kulturowe potrzeby człowieka
- Marcin Krupa, Matematyka w badaniach polemologicznych
Events - Overviews – Reviews
- Izabela Nowakowska, Przemiany ustrojowe III RP
- Piotr Ogrodowczyk, Terror jako sposób sprawowania władzy. Instytucje policji politycznej w Europie XX wieku
- Janusz Ostrowski, Wymiar etyczny służby publicznej
- Joanna Stefaniak, Polityka zagraniczna państwa na podstawie polskiej polityki zagranicznej na przełomie XX i XXI wieku
- Izabela Worona, Historyczne i współczesne związki polityki i teatru
- Bogna Kędzierska, Franz Ruppert, Symbioza i autonomia. Trauma symbiotyczna i miłość bez uwikłań
- Edyta Pietrzak, Michael Walzer, Moralne maksimum, moralne minimum
- Janusz Wiertel, Wojciech Karpiński. Twarze. Pożegnanie z dobrymi znajomymi
- Marek J. Malinowski
- Jakub Z. Lichański
- Stanisław Parzymies
- Andrzej Wojtczak
- Małgorzata Bielecka
- Radosław Kamiński
- Anna Liisa Westman
- Bogdan Ekstowicz
- Alexandra Shcherbina
- Elena Shlienkova
- Repina Evgeniya, Sergey Malahov
- Renata Maga – Jagielnicka
- Marcin Krupa
At the beginning of the second decade of the twenty-first century, in a deep economic and financial crisis on the highly developed West, we see new trends of political, economic, social, military, cultural, ideological and cultural. Assessment of the present state and prospects of development of modern civilization is indispensable to the analysis of problems such as: - dynamically developing processes of globalization - imagined or real "depletion" of the modern world - the growing threat of weapons of mass destruction - the expansion of Islamic fundamentalism and international terrorism; - continued economic and financial crisis in economically developed countries and increasing poverty and economic backwardness of the underdeveloped countries, more and more common critique of the elites of power.
The text is an essay in which the author presents his thoughts and reflections relating to the problems of the contemporary world civilization. The article shows the different approach of civilizational changes, including the development trends and issues of culture.
Paper presents the historical background federalist concept of Europe after the Second World War and tries to give an answer to what is today the European Union, and in which directions can transform this international structure. Author pointed out the aspect of the subjectivity of the European Union, based on considerations of terminology (Federation, an International Organization, the Confederation). Paper also explains the possible implications of federalism for the sovereignty of individual states, the reasons hampering the process of federalization of the EU, and also presents proposals to build a federal Europe.
The article presents the issues related to the consequence of the demographic transformation observed mostly in the European countries and also in Poland. The challenges are related to increased spending on pensions, to assurance that health care and long-term care are able to deal with a growing number of elders and their specific demands, to labour services and the market that should be responsive to the effects of ageing. Therefore, the planning of social and health policies must urgently start to prepare society for meeting the needs of the fast growing wave of progressively longer living seniors. The public health programmes will be very important in promoting people’s healthy lifestyles and securing their healthy and active ageing. Unfortunately the most countries are not well prepared to deal with the growing wave of seniors that may endanger their socio-economic development.
Presentation of difference between antique and modern concept of democracy is purpose of article and appearance of evolution of her idea and in future prospects of development. Democracy is rich hugely, to move political term. On her form of modern concept in Europe, undoubtedly Athenian democracy had significant influence, however, between her and modern concept of democracy, fundamental differences exist. Modern and contemporary world has enriched considerably and it has widened classic notion of democracy. Historic and political consciousness of democratic continuity incessantly will be to confront with variability appearing new challenges, in modern Europe and in the world. This fact needs to be emphasized.
Over the past several years there has been a significant expansion of the decentralization process. In a globalizing world, it has become obvious that decentralization is a prerequisite for the proper development of the organization or state. In the latter case, it should be noted that - for the government administration - its only and basic form is a local government. Decentralization of public administration, by giving local governments tasks, on the one hand provides better performance, on the other hand helps to stimulate active citizenship. Thus, decentralization of executive power is one of the main factors determining the proper development of the modern state and should lead directly to ensurance of the participation of citizens in public goods at the highest possible level. Decentralization - as a kind of a way of sharing the common good - is also the core of the citizens accepting the responsibility for public affairs and contributes to the development of civil society. This article attempts to describe and present the phenomenon of centralization and decentralization, basing on the organization and management, and political science.
This article argues the development of Finnish welfare society. The main idea is to tell the development of Finland from the agricultural state towards the state of the modern technology mainly from the viewpoint of women. The theoretical starting points are in the idea of welfare state, welfare society and active citizenship during the development of Finnish society. Finland was a part of the kingdom Sweden (1150 – 1809) and Russian Empire (1809 – 1917). Finland got independence 1917 and became a full member of the European Union 1995. The key positions of the Finnish welfare state and society are the local decision makers and active citizens. In this article active citizenship has been seen as an active roles and responsibilities in the society. The municipalities offer welfare services – social, health care, education etc. – to its residents. By that way the roots of the welfare are in the production of welfare services in the municipalities.
All international organizations like European Union exists in the conceptual and legal space between state sovereign and legal obligations. They are created by the commitments made by sovereign states, and their purpose is to bind those states to their commitments. The main problem of international economics and international politics are at some level also problem of international organization like European Union. As interdependence increases, the importance of international states increases with it. WE find European Union in one form or another at the heart of all of the political, social and economic challenges of the twenty-first century. The European Union has become the Trojan horse of globalization, and Polish sovereign – after the accession to the EU - in terms of its geopolitical position can and should play a key role in the structural development of the region and obtain additional instruments to achieve its main objectives of foreign policy that would be, in particular, strengthening the position of Poland on international forum. In this paper I would like to examine the Political aspects of the Polish membership in European Union and the sovereign to Poland reason State and well to considered that Poland could contribute to an affective and dynamic development of Polish – a modern and competitive – socio-economy and have impact on the stimulation of political development in the European region as well as to play a significant role I international area.
Value of research of a mith-space of the territory Samara Luka corresponds to the principles of a sustainable development of the Samara region. In article is revealed value of more in-depth study for achievement not only understanding of historical heritage, but also possibility of effective management of a modern mith-space of the territory. There is the offer on division of the territory for specialization of each separate zone in its fixed function(s). It will stimulate the focused attention and study of specific questions and will provoke improvement of communication system between all zones.
Large-scale experiments are the reflection of an epoch in fates of its eyewitnesses. What can serve as a proof of a large-scale influence effectiveness? Only time. A city and people are two interdependent parts of one whole. The search for ideal models of interaction, co-existence, formation of an efficiently functioning social structure in Big policy always turns out to be a Global experiment for all its participants: from those who conceived an “ideal model” to those who are to implement it. And what is more important, for those who have to themselves a number of questions: am I ready to accept the existing circumstances or act further and meet new challenges of the time and system? The article examines two city building and social experiments, two major industrial centres of Russia: Togliatti (the Volga River region) - an etalon city of the 1960s and Perm (Ural region) – a cultural phenomenon of the 2000s. The cities are equally remote from the capital (more than 1 km²) and the same state dignitary Vasily Tatischev founded both in the beginning of the XVIII century. Both cities have been going through a similar stage of their development: political and economic challenge to the West of the 1960s and booming industrial growth of the territories; the period of “Perestroika” of the political and economic systems in the 1980s-1990s; new time, new challenges and new strategies of the 2000s. And finally, main questions for a big industrial city: 1. Pre - and post project reality. Unrealized Horizons. 2. Streetcar Named Desire and its rout. 3. What is Temperature of Comfort in City? 4. What is Environment Pressure? 5. What is City Heart? 6. What is City Brain? 7. What is City Scale? 8. What is City Face? 9. City Diagnostics or what is Formula of City Life?
The main achievement of a modernity is a city culture, which produces a special way of life, which in turn gives an impact for creativity. At the same time most of the cities produce terrible problems. The main is a lost of subjectness. The reason of this effect is following the strategy of binary thinking, essentialism and negative identification. All these leads to different sort of repressions. Mechanism of repressive thinking destroy all the aspects of social life – first spiritual, and than - pragmatic. The route of it – is the language, which can form different “maps of reality”. Using opposition of bureaucratic and humanitarian (architectural) language as an example the article demonstrates how this effect works. The main topic – is the hypotheses how to settle the dramatic situation of subjective qualities loss by agents of city way of living, within social-architectural problems framework. The article a tries to describe two practical attempts of deconstruction of the basis of binary thinking. First is the idea of the “Institute of the City”, which became a part of the Strategy of the development of Samara till 2025. The key idea is that all citizens are equal in settling questions related to their fate. Such kind of people becomes professional citizens or subjects of city’s life, i.e. they deal with self-organization and influence the image of the environment, which is no longer a recipient of individual will. It becomes capable of self-organization. Problems connected with concrete areas (localities) become a matter for discussion. The main parties of this dialogue are authorities, professionals and citizens. The basis for such approach is the idea of demystification of any opponent or enemy, recognizing part of yourself in “him”, and part of him in yourself, which may lead to constructive arrangement of city living, based on “win-win” policy, i.e. when all parties win. The second example is the project of reconstruction of the block # 79 in the historical part of the city? Based on the values of dialog with the citizens and advocate planning
Urban space, being in the process of continuous development, undergoes transformation, with the uses and appearance of individual space forms being adapted to the current needs of their users. Spatial conditions are either conducive to, or hinder, satisfaction derived from the proper fulfilment of needs. The fulfilment of individual and social needs is a process that enables the achievement of values. A specific offer of cultural values is created by public space in cities and towns. The fundamental feature of space with unrestricted access is its open nature, which, in the social and spatial sense, means a selection of space forms that will enable the co-existence of diverse manifestations of culture. The recognition of interdependencies in the system of needs and values has allowed for a better understanding of the dilemmas regarding the choice of proper spatial solutions. Special attention should be paid to the issue of multiculturality in urban public spaces. A modern city or town has an important mission in the area of culture and the diverse arrangements of public spaces are testimony to the level of cultural order achieved.
The purpose of this article is to present, for example polemology that the roles played, plays and can play in political science research mathematician. The role of mathematics in political science is increasing and it’s not far from being a simple mathematical methods applied at the level of the votes during the counting systems of democratic elections, but in terms of the method by which you can build theories that describe the world around, us on the basis of which one could predict the future and following it correct, as well as dispel the fog can be confusion and subsequent political relations to eliminate, or at least greatly reduce, the phenomenon of war. Some revolutions role of mathematics in social studies took place at the economic level, but the expansion of mathematical sometimes carries a negative trend and instead of achieving scientific progress, in fact, the level of knowledge is at a constant level, and the level of complexity becomes a form of esoteric knowledge is at a constant level, and the level of complexity becomes a form of esoteric knowledge, not to die for great number of interested parties.