Rocznik filozoficzno – społeczny Civitas Hominibus (vol. 4 /2009)
Temat rocznika - Odpowiedzialność
Articles - Discussions - Essays
- Prof. Franciszek Gołembski - Bez tytułu (wprowadzenie)
- Arnold Warchał - Odpowiedzialność. Filozoficzno - prawne aspekty zjawiska
- Wojciech Lewandowski - Poleganie na sobie i obywatelskie nieposłuszeństwo jako formy odpowiedzialności w myśli politycznej amerykańskiego transcendentalizmu
- Ryszard Hubert Milas - Zaledwie trzy refleksje o odpowiedzialności
- Edyta Pietrzak - Innowacyjne koncepcje społeczne i odpowiedzialność
- Karol Chylak - Kto winny? Poszukiwanie „ politycznej czarownicy” na forum parlamentu w początkach II Rzeczypospolitej
- Aleksandra Hadzińska – Wyrobek - Uchodźcy – odpowiedzialność społeczności międzynarodowej za ochronę uciekinierów
- Georg Grzyb - Czy wolno kochać zbrodniarkę? Kilka językowo-filozoficznych uwag o odpowiedzialności na przykładzie powieści „Lektor” Benrharda Schlinka
- Waldemar Basak - Wpływ negatywnych wzorców zachowań współczesnych gwiazd popkultury na rozwój młodzieży licealnej
- Kamila Lasocińska - Znaczenie odpowiedzialności w biografiach twórczych. Projektowanie własnego życia
Konkurs na najlepszą pracę dyplomową na kierunku Politologia Akademii Humanistyczno – Ekonomicznej w Łodzi
publikacja trzech nagrodzonych prac:
- I miejsce Janusz Wiertel, praca pt. Wpływ idei na państwo i jednostkę. W oparciu o koncepcję państwa Platona i Che Guevary
- II miejsce Monika Korczakowska, praca pt. Udział Policji w realizacji zadań zarządzania kryzysowego na przykładzie KomendyMiejskiej Policji w Koninie
- III miejsce Jolanta Car, praca pt. Proces zjednoczenia Korei
- Edyta Pietrzak - Ulrich Beck, Edgar Grande, Europa kosmopolityczna. Społeczeństwo i polityka w drugiej nowoczesności, przeł. A. Ochocki, Wydawnictwo Naukowe SCHOLAR, Warszawa 2009, 450 s.
- Katarzyna Tłuczek, (red naukowy) Wiesław Godzic, - Bauman o popkulturze. Wypisy Wydawnictwa Akademickie i Profesjonalne, Warszawa 2008, 334 s.
- Arnold Warchał
- Wojciech Lewandowski
- Ryszard Hubert Milas
- Edyta Pietrzak
- Karol Chylak
- Aleksandra Hadzińska – Wyrobek
- Georg Grzyb
- Waldemar Basak
- Kamila Lasocińska
The concept of responsibility is the main topic of the article: Responsibility. The Aspects in Philosophy and Law of the Phenomenon. It includes both the general definition and its common understanding as well as its philosophical background with the idea exchange among ethical, metaphysical and ontological nature of the subject. Author presents an overview of the common philosophical concepts with reference to its synonym: duty, but treats responsibility as a phenomenon that surpasses the general duty definitions and generalizes its intellectual premises. Responibility is treated as an independent, yet communal unit of social interaction with effect in lawging and taking order of society, as seen from individual phenomenological perspective, when and if, observed in avestan tradition.
The writings of american transcendentalists allow for a reconstruction of two conceptions regarding practical forms of responsibility for one’s community. Self-reliance defined as independence in taking decisions based on one’s own beliefs is one. Civil disobedience meaning opposition against morally wrong state’s actions is the other. Both result from the concept of human nature held by transcendentalists, where a man is a conscious, mature being capable of self-improvement. The article follows transcendentalists’considerations about both forms of responsibility, putting them in the context of the young American society built upon the effort of independent proactive individuals.
Only three reflections on responsibility is an essay in which the author expresses his attitude towards the subject of responsibility. The content, with the author’s personal reflections, as well as the issues raised in the essay, on more than one occasion only highlighted, thus become a kind of provocation thanks to which the author hopes to evoke in the reader a kind of reflection on responsibility. Responsibility which is interpreted from different points of view (just to mention a few: manipulation versus responsibility, a person’s inner conflict versus responsibility, or authority versus responsibility), but also, or perhaps first of all, from the personal position. Hence the essay, as the title suggests, is composed of three parts. Part one is Contemporary Machiavellianism – the influence of manipulation on a man’s personality. Part two is In Conflict with a Philosopher – An Interpretation of Immanuel Kant’s Practical Imperative. Part three is A Blind Man’s Rule – Contemporary Philosophers’ Reminiscences with an Interpretation of a Contemporary Man. The adopted form of an essay is justified by referring to Kazimierz Obuchowski’s words related to the ‘existence of concepts’ which stay alive because consecutive generations enlarge them with their own experiences, on more than one occasion changing the format of the answers, but preserving their meanings. The essay ends with a summary in which the author explains the adopted way of presentation. He also provides his personal reflection on how responsibility is perceived, particularly in interpersonal relationships.
This paper aims to present the concept of social innovation. The article refers ideas of innovation, alternative, entity in the public sphere, the social structure and the civil society which is a symptom of social activity and leads to all innovations. The text presents also the influence of globalization on unparalleled so far changes in the social and political sphere. All this concepts are combined with the idea of responsibility. Withouth responsibility these ideas seem to be only a formal propositions.
On the threshold of independence, on the Polish political scene there have appeared social classes, which have never participated in politics. Nationalized and educated during decades, they have entered in masses and with a huge power, a power that they have been given due to democracy. Activists originating directly from the country or identifying themselves with this background have supported mutually by perceiving social world by prism of classes. Emphasizing property connections, in this particular case as ground possession, they have clearly specified categories "we" and "they". Election success of 1919 and 1922 enabled introduction of the agrarian issue on forum of the Parliament. It became one of the main, if not the most important issue of folk parties’ politics. Solutions proposed by the folk parties varied substantially one from another. However, they all were united by some sort of their activity practice. All of them defined the enemy of forcing transformations in a rather similar way and specified it particularly as both aristocratic circles and Catholic Church. Parliamentary tortures, although haven’t caused a full confession of the guilty, have called a verdict. Title “witch hunting” has been conducted in the Polish Parliament on both material and social–cultural field. It has taken place verbally, practical activity has been significantly limited. It was a way of practicing politics, creating image and looking for one’s identity.
This article analyses an issue of the refugee status in the early 19th century paying special attention to the responsibility of the international community for the refugees’ fate. The dissertation starts with the review of regulations applying to granting or depriving somebody of refugee status in compliance with the Geneva Convention of 1951 and the New York Protocol of 1967. The author described the controversy over the notion of refugee itself and also over the regulations granting somebody refugee status. Issues that constitute new phenomena in the subject of international refugee status were discussed: internal refugees (refugees do not leave the boarders of their homeland) and climate refugees (refugee status caused by climatic changes – disappearing islands, etc.) The last part of the dissertation analyses problems of the countries accepting refugees. Such issues as the reasons of reluctant admission of refugees into their territories by European countries and the ways of combating illegal emigration were analysed. The author also shows the most efficient in her opinion ways of combating the refugee problem in the world. The reasons were presented why the international community, of which Poland is part as well, should feel responsible for the fate of people who feel endangered in their own homeland.
What is the meaning of „responsibility”? The etymology of this expression says that „responsibility” indicates some kind of communicative situation. On account of the analysis of the novel „Der Vorleser” from Bernhard Schlink the attempt is undertaken to point out in which situations we speak of responsibility.
We live in the times which are marked with large dynamism of changes observed almost in every aspect of a life of an individual. The rapid development of technological progress, secularization, free market economy and consumerism modify the way we see the world. They change values, aims and paragons we strive after, as well as the ways we achieve them. The considerable influence on such state have the processes of globalization which entail the need for working out new patterns of behaviour necessary for proper functioning in the society. Mass media, which have become the source of knowledge, life wisdom and experience, show us how we should behave in particular situations; tell us what to do to achieve an intended aim. They promote a new image of the man – an attractive, self-confident, young citizen of the world. The subject of research was checking if the negative patterns of behaviour promoted by contemporary pop stars have reflection in behaviours of contemporary youth, to what extent young people copy those behaviours and if they are conscious of their pathology. The field of research was 8th Grammar School at the Complex of Technical Schools in Tarnow-Moscice. The research was carried out in April, 2009. The research comprised 119 respondents, 109 students and 10 of their teachers. To sum up the considerations over the problem of copying the negative behaviour of idols by contemporary youth, it must be stated that we cannot be indifferent to the universalism of this phenomenon. It is not easy, especially in the age of the fall of the former authorities. Enormous responsibility concerning that matter lies with parents and teachers as well. However, without the support of the whole society this process will not be stopped.
The article is presenting the topic of life’s changes in modern reality when some schemas of living became not actual and not adequate to everyday reality. In the article I described the results of biographical researches realized among graduates of Academy of Fine Arts which illustrated characteristics of biographies forming without any stable schemas. The analysis of interviews helped to understand the need of creation individual life’s project and the responsibility for one’s own career and successful living. Such situation is demanding to take new challenges but is also full of dilemmas, paradoxes and crisis. The life stories of graduates were called “creative biographies” because the experiences based on creativity had special meaning in realizing their personal and professional tasks. The responsibility in creative biographies was connected with forming one’s own identity, the next important challenge was to create social relationships and feelings of community with others. The last task was to overcome the biographical crisis which was often a turning point of their biographies. The analysis of life stories illustrated possibilities of shaping one’s own biography individually and they also indicated the problems and difficulties associated with being responsible for such project. The conclusions from the researches we can refer to life of a contemporary man who has to decide more and more by himself about his life’s choices and he is never sure the results of his decisions in the changeable world.