About the journal
The Philosophical and Social Yearbook Civitas Hominibus (ISSN 1896-1819, eISSN 2391-5145) has been published by the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Łódź since 2006. It is devoted to the issues of citizenship and the functioning of society in various aspects, undertaken within the framework of political sciences, philosophy, anthropology or sociology, but also related sciences. The Yearbook is nationwide in scope and is reviewed. The journal's editors are guided by the principles of publishing ethics (Comittee on Publication Ethics).
The journal does not charge a fee for the submission, processing, acceptance into print and publication of texts accepted for publication.
According to the communication of the Minister of Education and Science of 21 December 2021 on the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences, the journal is present in the list of scored journals with a score of 20 points. Unique journal identifier: 201510.
Civitas Hominibus was also positively evaluated in the IC Journals Master List 2021, which resulted in ICV (Index Copernicus Value) score given 90.13 points.
The journal's profile in the database:
Civitas Hominibus has been accepted to the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences ERIH PLUS database, an open access index of scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences, created by the Norwegian Center for Research Data.
The journal's profile in the database:
The journal meets the definition of Open Access dedicated by the DOAJ database.
Each issue of the journal examines a different research area. We publish articles in Polish and English, organized in the following sections:
- Articles – Discussions – Essays
- Conferences – Debates – Interviws
- Events
- Reviews
Presentations of scientific research, its analysis and synthesis, as well as the exchange of various views from the field of social sciences and humanities. published in the journal are available under the so-called Open Access system.
All publications on the journal's website are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (see full license). For the reader, this means that the journal's content is available to both the user and his/her institution without charge.
Users can read, download, copy, print, search, use the full texts of articles, as well as use them for any lawful purpose without seeking permission from the publisher or author. This is in line with the BOAI's definition of free access. For the author, this means that – by submitting a text for publication in the journal – he or she agrees to the above policy.
The journal complies with the rules contained in “Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing”.
We invite you to read the back issues of the journal. Our website contains information on the composition of the Scientific and Editorial boards, review procedure (including the list of reviewers) and ghost-writing prevention procedure. If you wish to publish your article in our journal, please consult the section containing important information for authors.
We would like to inform that the 8/2013 issue and the following issues of the Yearbook have been published in the electronic form on the website of the journal. Originally, however, the journal was distributed in the printed form.