
Table of contents - abstracts - articles: 
Marek J. Malinowski
Security in the contemporary world. The essence of the phenomenon and its determinants (Personal reflections)

The issue of security explored in the article is undoubtedly one of the most fundamental problems of the modern world.  This article considers the issue of broadly understood national and international security, which in the second decade of the 21st century is an issue considered on three integrally linked planes: global, regional and local. Political, economic and ecological conditions of security are integrally connected with psychological elements, considered both at the level of "homo sapiens", as well as at the level of the world's political, economic and military elites. They create a framework for shaping national and international security in the contemporary world.
Keywords: security, local, regional and global dimension

Konrad Hennig
The influence of contemporary epistemological disputes on the existential security of Western societies

The idea of truth is an important factor for building existential security – the belief that our values and goals are worth pursuing in the lives of individuals and communities. The sources of the certainty of our position in the world tends to change together with civilisation. In Antiquity the leading position belonged to the philosophical narrative, in Latin civilisation it was religion and in contemporary civilisation it is rational and pragmatic calculation. We have agreed to the reductionist idea of truth, which is only valid as a social contract. In return we receive the benefits of historically unprecedented freedom and comfort of living. The author describes the historical tensions between three consecutive European civilisations and the epistemological disputes they have created.
Keywords: security, culture, civilisation, truth, epistemology, society

Artur Niedźwiedzki
(Un)Secured Europe after Brexit?

The withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union may have a significant impact on Europe's political, economic and military security. The resources of the European Union will undoubtedly be reduced as a result of Great Britain leaving. However, the European Union will gain more sophisticated forms of defence cooperation, due to the departure of an actor who has been one of the most obstinate opponents of the Union's strategic autonomy. This mandates the search for new analytical concepts and theoretical models to describe European security that may emerge as a result of Brexit. These will have fundamental significance for the countries currently benefiting from peace and stability in Europe, including Poland.
Keywords: Brexit, international security, the European Union

Waldemar Mańkowski
Biological security of the population. Public health and the State Sanitary Inspectorate as the most important institution of the public health sphere

The purpose of this article is to analyse the actions of the State Sanitary Inspectorate. The first part of the article presents a brief history of biological security relating to human beings and an outline of the evolution of the concept of public health. The main section of the article outlines activities within the broadly defined field of biosecurity/public health and presents the institution being analysed. The analysis concludes that the State Sanitary Inspectorate requires organisational changes.
Keywords: biological security, public health, State Sanitary Inspectorate

Piotr Ogrodowczyk
“Active measures” – effective operations of the Russian secret services

The Russian secret services use many methods to achieve their goals. The development of media, the Internet and the speed of dissemination of information have made „Active measures” and „Agents of influence” one of the most important means of operation of the Russian secret services abroad. The article shows how Russian secret services can influence the way of thinking and of making political decisions.
Keywords: active measures, agent of influence, secret services

Agnieszka Stanecka
Veiling and Unveiling Fears in Leila Aboulela’s Minaret

Leila Aboulela’s Minaret presents the life of a young Sudanese woman, who was expelled after a coup in the country. Together with her brother and mother she moves to London. In Sudan she was part of the higher social class but in London, after her mother’s death and her brother’s imprisonment, she needs to work and earn money. She feels endangered by contemporary London realities, lack of financial security, lack of a husband, who in eastern culture takes the role of a protector. She is also overwhelmed with the freedom she unexpectedly has in London. There is also emotional anxiety evoked by something unexplained which appears to be faith. Interestingly, with time the protagonist decides to wear hijab which, in Islamic culture, denotes modesty and surrender to Allah. It turns out that in contemporary London Najwa feels more secure when she is veiled rather than unveiled. 
Keywords: fear, security, a woman, veil, postcolonial studies, religion

Łukasz Zwoliński
The meaning of logistics in crisis management

This article provides a definition for the term logistics. It describes key and support logistic activities. It defines the term safety and its various types. It provides a definition of a crisis situation and describes logistic tasks in crisis situations. It also defines the term logistics in crisis situations and presents logistic management in crisis situations in a general way.
Keywords: logistics, safety, crisis situation, logistics in crisis situations, logistics management in crisis situations

Ilona Balcerczyk
Society in the theory of Karl Popper

What are closed societies? What are the threats? How does one build an open society? Are the above questions important and current? Popper claimed that they are. The article analyses Popper’s theory of an open and closed society. The first part of the article considers the ‘closed’ society and describes its characteristics. These include obedience, indoctrination, a constant form of mobilisation, caste, state autarchies, nationalism, glorification of war. In the second part of the article, the author introduces the axiological dimension of an open society. The principles and values on which Popper based his theory are considered.
Keywords: society, civil society, open society, closed society, citizen, freedom

Sabrina P. Ramet
Rock music and politics in Poland: The poetics of protest and resistance in the lyrics of rock songs

The Polish rock and punk scene has served for decades as a medium for the expression of anti-establishment values.  In the 1980s, during the dark days of martial law, groups such as Manaam, Perfect, TSA, and Brygada Kryzys variously mocked and satirised the communist authorities. Kryzys stopped playing in 1983 rather than work under the conditions of martial law, but was resurrected in 1990.  Since the “big bang” of 1989, both the groups dominating the establishment and the nature of rock opposition have changed.  Instead of communism, it is capitalism which is now seen by some rock and especially punk bands as “the enemy”. The Polish music scene has witnessed a variety of perspectives. They all reflect the dilemmas of modern Polish society with its inequalities, identity threats and polarisation.
Keywords: rock music, alternative music, Poland, transformation

Kamila Lasocińska
Shaping creative everyday life. An autobiographical workshop as a method of supporting the creativity of adults

In this article I present ways of supporting the creativity of adults through autobiographical workshops and biographical tasks. I describe both theoretical assumptions and proposals for practical activities. I note forms of biographical and educational activities that support the possibility of self-creation, transgression and the creativity of an individual at various stages of adult life. The aim is to reflect on how we can stimulate adult personal development through conscious and creative reference to life experiences in the context of the past, present and future.
Keywords: autobiographical workshop, creativity, self-creation, transgression, adult education

Mirosław Mielczarek
Preparation for independent living: Independent foster-child Care and Educational Institutions

The aim of the article is to try to answer the question: how do care and educational institutions prepare their pupils for independence in life? The problem was considered from the perspective of preparations for family life, professional, social and civic independence. The research shed light on how the educational process in examined institutions related to the preparation of pupils for independent living and what methods and forms were used for this purpose.
Keywords: independence, empowerment, orphanage, children's home, educational methods

Elżbieta Woźnicka
Deaf teachers in the education system – opportunities and limitations

The teaching profession has become accessible to people with hearing impairment. Deaf people undertake pedagogical studies and want to work in this profession. Nowadays, they mainly find employment in schools for deaf and hard of hearing children. The article discusses the competences of a teacher, with consideration given to the competence of a teacher educating children with special needs. Deaf people themselves attended schools for deaf and hard of hearing children so they know exactly what the needs of such children are. They are also able to understand deaf people’s situation and the specificity of their development, help them to enter into the world of hearing people, as well as being familiar with the culture and identity of the deaf. This article is an attempt to show the advantages and limitations resulting from hearing loss in relation to the teaching profession.
Keywords: teacher, deaf, hard of hearing, surdopedagogue, teacher's competence, teacher's personality traits

Łukasz Zaorski-Sikora
Creative education. Good practices

From the beginning of 2017 education reform has been introduced in Poland. The main objective is to better prepare students for individual development and the needs of post-modern society and the labour market. Therefore, today, more and more emphasis is placed on entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. An example of an initiative that perfectly fits into such a trend is the nationwide Review of Innovation and Creativity in Education organised for five years by the Academy of Humanities and Economics in Lodz. This article presents selected achievements of the laureates of the Review. Analysis of these examples indicates that creative education does not simply constitute the joy of freeing expression in oneself and others, but also provides the satisfaction of jointly changing the world for the better. From this perspective, the pupils' potential constitutes the foundation for tomorrow's education.
Keywords: education, creative education, education reform, project method

Izabela Maruszewska
The importance of the village leader’s function in contemporary Poland
Adam Fik
Islamic terrorist organisations based on the example of al-Qaeda and the Islamic State
Sebastian Szulc
Nationalism in the past and present in Europe
Edyta Pietrzak
Aldona Wiktorska-Święcka, Monika Klimowicz, Małgorzata Michalewska-Pawlak, Innovation in co-management of regional development. Institutional practice in selected regions in Poland
Edyta Pietrzak
Inga B. Kuźma, Łucja Lange (red.), Housing and home as a cultural and social unobviousness
Edyta Pietrzak
Joanna Sośnicka (red.), Engineer with a humanist’s soul