The Style Sheet

The Format of the Article:

  1. The article should be submitted in the A4 format (30 lines per page, 60 characters per line) – margins: 2.5 cm;
    spacing: 1.5 lines; font: Times New Roman, size: 12; footnotes: Times New Roman, size: 10, single spaced; the text
    should be fully justified.
  2. Articles should be no longer than 12 pages; reviews and reports on conferences and symposia – 5 pages.

Footnotes, quotations, the bibliography:

  1. Footnotes should be placed at the bottom of the page and they should include: the first letter of the name of the author,
    the author's surname, the title (in italics), the publisher's full name, the place and year of publication, page numbers
    (in case of periodicals),
    font: Times New Roman, size: 10, single spaced; use Latin phrases such as ibidem and op. cit.;

    M. Majewski, Matematyka. Zbiór zadań dla klasy V szkoły podstawowej, WSiP, Warszawa 1999. [a book]

    A. Zieliński, Techniki organizatorskie. Nowe spojrzenie, "Przegląd Organizacji", no. 2/2003, pp. 26-40. [an article in a journal]

    K. Wrześniewski, Psychologiczne uwarunkowania powstawania i rozwoju chorób somatycznych,
    [in:] J. Strelau. (ed.), Psychologia, vol. 3, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk 2000.
    [a chapter in a collection of essays].

  2. Quotations longer than 2 lines should be set off from the regular text
    (font: Times New Roman, size: 10, no indentation), italicized, preceded and followed by an empty line, with no quotation marks.
    Italicize short quotations (shorter than two lines), the titles of books, and foreign words.
  3. The bibliography (only containing the sources quoted in the text) should be placed at the end of the article.
    It should be organized in the alphabetical order in accordance with the rules applying to footnotes with the exception
    of the order in which the name and the surname of the author should be given. First give the surname followed by
    the first letter of the author's name.